Chapman Family | 2014

This family became our good friends in Pleasant Grove when we ended up in the same ward.
Miss Alyssa and my little guy became fast friends and we would get together with them fairly often.
They just recently added a new addition, and he couldn't be any more handsome.  
I'm sure Alyssa is loving being a big sister to that little guy.
We did a quick & simple little photo shoot indoors since it's so cold outside.
Sometimes, the simpler the better, as it is with these photos in the way they turned out.
We sure miss living close to them!

Oh, and I am just in love with the shyness and innocence shown in these first few pictures!
This is what she gave me for the first little bit,(I wasn't complaining one bit since she was still cooperating with the camera) but then warmed right up.  
These pictures turned out priceless.

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